About us
Storage on 2 opened on September 1 2023, it was previously the location of King of the Road storage.
Keep your property safe and secure at all times with the help of Storage on 2. We offer outdoor RV storage services in Lacombe and for clients from throughout the surrounding Alberta communities.
We operate an RV & Boat storage facility with over 200 available stalls in a number of different sizes.
Our yard is completely gravelled and hard packed, snow is cleared from the roadways in winter.
We are committed to ensuring that you will have access to your property at all times. With your personalized fob, you have will be able to enter both our facility and your unit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Having reliable and secure storage doesn’t need to cost a fortune. We are happy to offer both short and long term storage options to meet your needs. If you choose to pre-pay for a 12-month rental period, you will be rewarded with a special discounted rate.
Contact the team at Storage on 2 to find the correct storage unit for you.
Storage on 2
40232 Range Rd 272, Lacombe, AB T4L 0E3
Phone: 403-373-5210
Email: admin@storageon2.ca